Harvard Postdoctoral / Visiting Scholar Research Project Application Form
In the postdoctoral / visiting scholar research program, teachers provide research supervision and research paper guidance. Encourage researchers to participate in some more research conferences or seminars to improve their research ability and experience.
申請項目 Application project:博士后/訪問學者 Postdoctoral/Visiting Scholar,申請專業Major______________
姓名 Name: _________________ ____________________ ________________
(姓Surname) (名first name)
出生年月 Date of birth: _____ /_____ /_____ (月Month/日Day/年Year)
計劃進入的學校 Enter School: 哈佛大學肯尼迪政治學院 Harvard Kennedy School
最后學歷畢業院校 Last degree graduated from: ______________________________________________
家庭住址 Home address: _____________________________________________________
城市 City: ______________ 省 Province: ___________
國家 Country:____________ 郵編 Postcode:________
座機 Phone: _________________________
手機 Mobile phone:_________________________
國籍 Nationality: ___________________________
護照號 Passport No:___________________________
提交材料 Submission:
A. 博士學位或者最后學位學位證復印件 Copy of doctor's degree or final degree certificate
B. 博士學習或者最后學位學習期間的成績單 Transcripts during doctoral or final degree studies
C. 個人簡歷 Resume(中英文 CN & EN)
D. 駕照或者護照、身份證復印件 Copy of driver's license, passport and ID card
Please fill in this form and submit it together with the above documents and application fee
_____________________________ ____________________________
(學生簽名 Student Signature) (日期 Date)
哈佛大學博士后報名申請電話:13121392666 隋老師